Saturday, April 30, 2011

Day #3 of the juice fast...

I woke up this morning feeling like I was STARVING!  I've noticed that this tends to happen to me when I eat "empty" food the night before.  So for breakfast, I had Carrot/Apple/Turnip Green Juice - kinda spicy, not my favorite - note to self, no more Turnip Greens!  Later, for lunch I had Raspberry Tea, and for dinner, I made baked potato soup for the family (yum, I only tried a bite - had to make sure it was good!) and I made Carrot/Apple/Cabbage/Parsley, but I couldn't eat it - WAY SPICY (another note to self - NO MORE CABBAGE)!!  So Don drank it and I juiced Carrot/Apple/Celery instead.  I took my supplements twice today. or was it 3 times?  I forget, I hope this diet will improve my memory soon!

I haven't noticed any weight loss, but I'm beginning to feel better, and I can't BELIEVE how soft my skin is!  I don't think my skin has EVER been so soft!  When I mentioned it to Don, he said he noticed it yesterday.  I thought that was kinda fun!

No splurging today!  Hopefully, once the healing part is over, I'll be able to document some changes.  I'm excited to try the Watermelon juice and the Orange juice.  I'm also adding Cucumber and Green Leaf Lettuce to next weeks regimen!  When I can either grow or get my hands on some Wheat Grass, I'll take that too - we already have a special juicer for it, so why not?

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