Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Day #6 of the Juice Fast...

Today was another busy day, but I'm left feeling like I didn't get much done (I planned to clean my room).  I did, however manage to sell a Boxer puppy today which brought in some much needed cash.

So, this morning I took 1 1/2 Tbs. of Olive Oil - nasty!  I have to take my second dose tonight and I'm not looking forward to it.  Don says it'll get easier as I go.  I worked out at Jazzercise, my calves are going to be sore tomorrow, my chest is a little sore too so tomorrow should be fun.

So my first "meal" was around 1:00 this afternoon - Carrot/Cucumber/Green Leaf Lettuce Juice

Then around 5:00 I had Carrot/Cucumber/Spinach Juice


Mom and Me!
Tonight Don and I took Ammon to see Knomeo (I have no idea if this is how it's spelled) and Juliet in 3D - cute movie.  We stopped for a pizza for Ammon on the way and I thought I'd be really tempted by it, but I wasn't!

After the movie we stopped at Sprouts and bought Watermelon, Cantaloupe, Apples and more Carrots - also, Grandma Conover gave us two bags of Oranges from her neighbor's tree - yum!

When we got home, there was a huge pot of Potato/Corn/Alfredo soup on the stove - leftovers from dinner - NOW I was tempted!  Oh man, that smelled so good!  Luckily Don was there taunting me so I didn't cave!

Instead I made some Carrot/Apple/Celery Juice and went and hid in my room while the girls put the leftovers away!

So to sum it up, I haven't really noticed any dramatic changes today, just small stuff.  I think my waist size is going down and my skin is clearer than I've seen it in a long time, but I think I'm either going through a "cleansing crisis" or maybe I've caught something because I feel maybe a head cold coming on.  Now I'm adding Vit. C to my supplements - determined not to let anything slow me down now, I'm on a roll!

1 comment:

  1. Your pictures of Ammon and you and Don are wonderful! He is one handsome young man!
    I love that you are trying to get back in shape...me too...it's tough! I'm 25-30 heavy...no fun! Love you!
